I have always been an animal lover. And I especially love horses. Up until the last few years, I had horses for 23 years. But life was getting a bit complicated and with no more time left to take care of them, I had to find good homes for them and let them go. It wasn't fair to them. I still really miss having horses in my backyard though.

So what does Snow Red have to do with
anything? Well, my neighbor says I'm just like Snow White with the
way the animals react to me. She said they are just drawn to me.
Except I don't look like Snow White. Strawberry blonde hair & freckles? Which is where Snow Red comes
in; close enough. Anyway, there might be
something to that. One time I heard a bird chirping down at the barn.
I opened the back door to see where it was, and saw a parakeet flying
around down in the trees by the barn. I stood at the back door and
called to it, saying, “Cme'ere little bird, come on in the house”.
And guess what? IT DID! It flew straight from the barn all the way up
to the house and flew right inside the house through the doors I had
open! I almost fell on the floor!! I ended up finding it a home, as
my cats would never have let me keep a bird in the house. Then there
was the time I was driving in my neighborhood and saw a horse
galloping down the middle of the main road towards my car. At the
last minute the horse turned down a street and just a few houses
down, just stopped. I got out of the car and it let me walk right
up to it and hold it. I called Bob and he came down with a halter and
lead rope which I put on and proceeded to walk the horse to my house
and put it in the pasture. It's owner found it later that day; it
seems they had just moved to a new house in the area and somehow it
escaped through an open gate. And then there's Roy, the rooster. He
likes me. He meets me at the coop door when he hears my voice, jumps
up on the box to watch me when I'm milling around the barn, and will stay
near me when I go inside the coop. Roy is my friend. Then there's
Spice. She made friends with me, mostly only me. She
doesn't have much tolerance for anyone else. There's a possum living
in the cabbage palm out front. He doesn't run away from me. He
should, because if I find him anywhere near the chickens, well, let's
just say I might become Annie Oakley instead of Snow Red! And now
the turtles. Yesterday, I moseyed on over to check out the canal
that's on the side of our house, and while I was standing there, two
turtles came to the surface and poked their heads out of the water
and just stayed there looking at me. So I went and got some food and
fed them, and guess what? They were waiting for me this morning when
I went over to the canal. Just knowing I was there to feed them.
neighbor says that she expects to see a line of animals just waiting
outside my garage some morning. Just knowing Snow White, er, Snow
Red, lives there. I'm ok with that; just as long as the seven dwarfs
don't show up. I think I'm plum out of space here in our home in the